Please help us reach our initial goal of distributing 100,000 reusable masks across Chicagoland – Donate today!
#Masks4Chi is a local movement founded by local Chicago businesses Mon Ami Jewelry and Mon Ami Realty that is part of the larger worldwide #Masks4All grassroots campaign, which aims to have all people wear masks in public spaces to slow the spread of Covid-19 in our communities. Masks4chi has already committed to donating 100,000 high quality reusable masks and hopes to reach 350,000 focusing especially on vulnerable communities throughout the Chicagoland area. Help us reach our goal by donating here.
Masks4Chi will launch our first mask distribution campaign on Thursday, April 30th, just in time for Governor Pritzker’s order that all Illinois residents wear cloth masks while in public. Masks4Chi will work in collaboration with chowbus, participating restaurants, and community partners to provide 2 free masks with each order to Chicagoland residents. Masks will be available through May 3rd or while supplies last. This campaign will be the first of multiple campaigns spearheaded by Masks4Chi.
This link includes information on how to wear a cloth face covering, as well as 3 different ways to make your own mask..